Glenn was honored this year at the NAMM 25th Annual Industry Tribute program in Anaheim, California for his many years of teaching at Lillo’s Music and his life as a professional musician and composer. Click on the link below to watch this beautiful tribute to Glenn and other music industry members that passed away in 2024.
This website is dedicated to the life of Glenn Gray – a very gifted man who lived a life of music and literature. He was a professional guitar player, composer, recording artist, teacher, author and much more. This website is a work in progress and more music, videos, pictures and works will be added in time. We invite you to explore this site and enjoy listening to Glenn’s music, watch Glenn’s videos, view Glenn’s pictures and purchase Glenn’s CD’s and books. Please contact us if you have any pictures or music to add to this special tribute to Glenn. Glenn left a major impact on his family, friends, bandmates, students and all who knew him. We hope this website will continue to inspire all who come visit. Thank you for being here.

at West Edmonton Mall

FROM THE PEN OF GLENN…. (from the album Just Pickin’)
It has been said that in life there are three things which no one, or at least most people, cannot circumvent: tax, fate and death. Another thing we cannot circumvent is the inexorable nature of change and the need to adapt to those changes as they take place. This record is a result of change, adaptation and, if you will, an evolutionary process taking place over an extended period of time. I could not have made this record even five to ten years ago, though I have been playing guitar for a lifetime. When it comes to fingerstyle guitar one must first choose the song, find the best key for the melodic range, and then create an arrangement that is interesting but is easy enough to remember. Then comes the rote repetition to perfect the piece and particularly to grapple with the requirements of the syncopation. Finally, the long and arduous process of amassing a repertoire for the simple and mundane reason of having enough songs to play anywhere. This, then, in a nutshell, is the fingerpicker’s task. Some instructional videos have influenced my playing, particularly those by Chet Atkins, perhaps the greatest of all fingerpickers. Buster B. Jones, an absolutely fabulous player and Marcel Dadi, who unfortunately perished in a plane crash in 1998. It is true to say that if you wish to play like the masters you must listen to them.
Finally, in this journey we call life, it must be said that we all meet certain individuals who leave an indelible impression upon us. Now, as you can well imagine, a list of this sort can become quite extenuated and it is literally impossible to even come close to completing such a list. So, therefore I offer my apologies to anyone who should not find their name here. You are not forgotten.
While attending Grant MacEwan College as a youngster fresh out of high school I had an instructor named Sam Lancaster. God bless his soul. Sam was one of the most gifted, gentle, and loving people I have ever met. I’ll never forget the day I found him playing Stravinsky’s “The Rite of Spring” on piano. It blew my mind. After I left Grant MacEwan I never saw him again but remember him always. Thanks Sam.
My first guitar instructor, the late Wayne Alford, showed me the essentials, taught me to read music and was always encouraging. Thank you Wayne. I first took lessons at Lillo’s Music and have gone on to teach for many years for the Lillo family. I would like to thank them for their support over the years and for allowing me to continue to live as a musician. Needless to say, if you should be seeking lessons, you know where to find me. I would like to mention, lastly four individuals who have helped me in many ways, more than I can mention:
• Darren Schlese for his friendship and finding gigs when I didn’t have many
• The late Brent Gray for being a great brother and a fabulous drummer
• Chris Thompson for being there when I needed you. Thanks buddy!
• And lastly, for the love of my life, Corinne Lillo for making life beautiful and for support beyond mention.
And finally, thanks to you, for purchasing this CD. I appreciate it. I hope it gives you hours of listening pleasure and remember to keep the faith, keep on loving, and, to all you musicians out there, keep on practicing!
Glenn Gray